About Soroptimist
Women at their best, working to help other women to be their best
Meeting With A Purpose
Our Vision – Women and Girls have the opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams
Our Mission – Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.
Soroptimist was formed in 1921 in Oakland, California, at a time when women were not permitted to join service organizations. Our name, loosely translated from the Latin, means best for women. Internationally, Soroptimist has about 66,000 members in 120 countries and territories throughout the world.
Soroptimist International of Vallejo was chartered on October 20, 1939, with goals to address health, safety, employment and educational needs specific to women and girls. In the 80-plus years since, we continue to focus on those goals locally, nationally and internationally. In new and creative ways we are women who live their dreams of serving their community, developing friendships, and enhancing leadership skills. We strive to be women at our best helping other women to be their best. Together we know that we can make a difference!
Meeting With A Purpose – We meet Mondays at 12 noon in a variety of ways. Some are Zoom only. Some are a hybrid of Zoom and in-person. We may have guest speakers from the community, plan events and actions, or just take time to be together. Please check the calendar tab for what’s happening and how to contact us.
We are looking forward to celebrating this year’s award recipients on March 15, 2025.
The signature program of Soroptimist International of the Americas, the Live Your Dream Education and Training Award, recognizes women heads of household responsible for the financial support of their families who are improving their employment status through further education or training.
To be eligible for this prize a woman must provide the primary financial support of her family, she must have dependents who rely on her for that support, and she must be enrolled in or planning to enroll in a college or training program.
Scholarship Applications are due April 15, 2025
The Soroptimist International of Vallejo club (SIOV) is proud to announce that we will be accepting college scholarship applications from women and girls living in Vallejo, who will be graduating from High School and plan to attend a trade/professional school, community college, or university this coming Fall. SIOV is a volunteer organization whose mission is to provide women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment… and we hope providing these scholarships will help to achieve that mission!
This year’s scholarship applications are due by Tuesday, April 15th. The applicants are evaluated on financial need, academic achievement, community involvement, and personal goals. All applicants go through a selection process, which will include a personal interview. SIOV will host a celebration for those who receive an award and the monies will be disbursed by the start of their post-secondary education in the fall.
Each applicant will have chosen to meet their goals through continued education and various degrees. We support and encourage these women and girls to take the steps needed to better themselves! To apply, please click the link to the right “Scholarships for Women and Girls Application” under documents.
For questions or to contact the Scholarship Committee Chair, email Lisa Gannon at siovjo@hotmail.com.
Join Us!
If you share our commitment to improving the lives of women and girls locally and worldwide and would like to learn more, please join us for a meeting. You can also talk with Soroptimists you already know, explore the other tabs and menu choices within this website and/or email us for more information at siovjo@hotmail.com. We look forward to your joining us to help women and girls live their dreams.